Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Professional Resume Writing in Dallas, Texas

Professional Resume Writing in Dallas, TexasProfessional resume writing in Dallas, Texas is similar to professional resume writing in Atlanta, Georgia. The two places are located next to each other on the Gulf Coast and thus share similar services that people need. These services include company directory, job listing, technical assistance, career services, event planner, employee referral and several others.The Dallas and Atlanta areas are situated on the Atlantic Ocean, which makes these areas a large area of open space and clean air. The climate is warm and not too hot or cold for summer and winter. Those working in this region have warm memories of vacations in Florida.In addition to this, the weather in these two cities in Texas is considered very good, because it is considered a climatic zone known for its mild weather, beautiful landscapes and beautiful weather. With such a backdrop, you can imagine how good a candidate's resume would look like, with lots of colorful images, i mpressive descriptions and a really unique resume outline. After all, you want to be remembered!Resume writing is extremely important because in this business, the prospect is as important as the person that you are hiring. Many times, a person doesn't even get a second glance until they apply for a job, so your resume is one of the few means of getting a job done. And if your resume looks great, then your chances of getting hired at this company increases dramatically.When it comes to hiring the ideal candidate, resume writing is also one of the most important aspects that needs to be considered. Most companies prefer candidates that have proper work experience, a college degree and a real job that can make a good impression on potential clients. You do not need to have all the qualities that are listed above, but you should have at least some of them.If you're struggling to write a resume for your future employer, then you should see a professional resume writer who can help you w ith some of the basic skills that need to be mastered. You can write an excellent resume by yourself, but if you don't know what to write, then you might be giving a bad impression to your employer.With the help of a professional resume writer, you can have a resume that is professional looking, professional sounding without any noticeable gaps. And as you will see from the services mentioned above, if you can make the job easier for your employer, then your chances of getting hired will rise.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Letter Gives Advices on Success

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Letter Gives Advices on Success Jeff Bezos wants you to know what it takes to be as successful as he is, and as dominant as Amazon. He also wants you to know that PowerPoint is lame â€" and that handstands are really hard. This week, the Amazon chief executive released his annual letters to shareholders, hyping the online retailer’s business results and musing about the secrets to Amazon’s success and some of its quirkier business practices. If you want to read the whole thing, you can find it here. But here are a few of the highlights. Success is all about high standards. How does Amazon “stay ahead of ever-rising customer expectation”? Bezos says there is no single answer but that having “high standards” â€" the italics are his â€" is a big part of it. Of course, that’s pretty intuitive. But he goes on to elaborate on what is and is not necessary. High standards are ‘teachable’ and ‘domain specific.’ If high standards are the key to success, as Bezos suggests, there is good news and bad news for the rest of us. The good news is that high standards are “teachable.” “High standards are contagious,” Bezos contends. “Bring a new person onto a high standards team and they will quickly adapt.” The bad news is that having high standards in one area of your life doesn’t mean you have them in others. He gives himself as an example: “When I started Amazon I had high standards on inventing, on customer care, and (thankfully) on hiring. But I didn’t have high standards on operational process: how to keep fixed problems fixed,” for example. High standards require ‘recognition and scope.’ How do you achieve high standards in a particular domain? “First, you have to be able to recognize what good looks like in that domain,” he writes; “second you must have realistic expectations for how hard it should be (how much work it will take) to achieve that result â€" the scope.” (Again, the emphasis is Bezos’s.) And that brings us to handstands. So what exactly do handstands have to do with all of this? What often gets in the way of having impeccably high standards, Bezos says, is that a lot of stuff is hard. And when people set goals for themselves (or for others, as Bezos does in his role as CEO), they don’t always recognize just how hard a challenge might be â€" and how much work it will take to meet it. This lesson was driven home for Bezos when one his friends hired a handstand coach to improve her Instagram game. (Apparently this a real thing that rich people do.) In the very first lesson, the coach gave her some wonderful advice. “Most people,” he said. “think that if they work hard, they should be able to master a handstand in about two weeks. The reality is that it takes about six months of daily practice. If you think you should be able to do it in two weeks, you’re just going to end up quitting. Writing is like doing handstands â€" that is, it’s really hard. Writing in a way that smartly and succinctly communicates your ideas to others is also really difficult. That’s a problem at Amazon, according to Bezos, because “we don’t do PowerPoint (or any other slide-oriented) presentations.” Instead, employees communicate through “narratively structured six-page memos.” Unfortunately, he seems to suggest, a lot of people seem to think they can just toss off a six-page memo in a day or so, or even in a few hours. And the result is something mediocre. Instead, Bezos thinks memos are much better when people spend weeks working on them. And he believes we would probably do a lot of things better if we approached them with a clearer idea of how much effort they took. Often, when a memo isn’t great, it’s not the writer’s inability to recognize the high standard, but instead a wrong expectation on scope: they mistakenly believe a high-standards, six-page memo can be written in one or two days or even a few hours, when really it might take a week or more!…The great memos are written and re-written, shared with colleagues who are asked to improve the work, set aside for a couple of days, and then edited again with a fresh mind. They simply can’t be done in a day or two. They key point here is that you can improve results through the simple act of teaching scope â€" that a great memo probably should take a week or more. What you don’t necessarily need for success is skill. Bezos ends his prologue â€" before he gets into the details of Amazon’s performance â€" on a reassuring note. What you don’t necessarily need is skill, especially if you are part of a team. “The football coach doesn’t need to be able to throw, and a film director doesn’t need to be able to act,” he says. “But they both do need to recognize high standards for those things and teach realistic expectations on scope.”

Saturday, April 11, 2020

6 Steps for a Successful Job Search - Work It Daily

6 Steps for a Successful Job Search - Work It Daily Recently, we were in the position of looking to fill a role at our company and needed to find top notch candidate. After a rather frustrating search, we suddenly were connected with a candidate who was everything we were looking for. We were quite fortunate to find a great fit, but I was surprised to find that, when she told me about her job search, she really did all of the steps we talk about. I have asked her to write a bit about her process to help others see that the process works. The rest are her words. As a young professional, the whole world seemed to be an opportunity for me. But I realized very quickly that in order to find opportunity, you must stand out from the pack. After trying the conventional routes of job searches I gained nothing but frustration. I quickly realized that a job search is a job in itself and must be approached as such. So, I developed a business plan and began to market myself as a brand. I did this by implementing several steps. 1. Know what you want. You have to know what you are looking for and be specific in your definition of what you are looking for in a job. Employers look for candidates who know what they want from a career and for those who take the ambiguity out of themselves. You must find your niche and define it well. 2. Create a great resume. A professional resume and cover letter that clearly define your strengths and state your goals is crucial. A clear format is a must. Your cover letter and resume are your chance to sell yourself and your first step in branding your product, you. 3. Market yourself through networking. Remember, you are advertising a product and want as much exposure in the market as you can possibly achieve. LinkedIn is a great site for connecting to your target group. But you must be selective; your Facebook friends are not your target market. You want to surround yourself and create your professional presence based on professionals with similar interests and impressive goals and achievements. Also, look at every new meeting as an opportunity. Do not be afraid to ask for advice; you never know who may become a lead or reference. Have people work for you, ask people to forward your resume, and listen for job opportunities that match your niche. 4. Don’t forget the personal touch. A simple “thank you” allows you to stand out from other job seekers. Don’t just thank someone after an interview; a simple email thanking someone for becoming a new connection is the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself. Always attach your cover letter and resume. If the connection is not a possible employer, take the opportunity to ask for advice and, again, attach your resume. It is a representation of the product and the more people who see it, the better. 5. Remember that you have a business now. In order to market the brand you must treat it as a business. You should spend 20-40 hours per week on networking, applications, and interviews in order to achieve your goal; employment in a position that allows growth and opportunity. 6. Be patient. This is not an easy process. It is also very emotional and you can expect highs and lows. But as long as you stick with your business plan, you will achieve your goal. So what are you doing about your job search? Are you treating it as a business? Are you committing the time it requires? I would love to hear your comments on the steps laid out above. Successful job search image from Bigstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!